The Connecticut Senate Bill 292 states, from July 01, 2026 the intentional use of PFAS in  (A) apparel; (B) carpet or rug; (C) cleaning product; (D) cookware; (E) cosmetic product; (F) dental floss; (G) fabric treatment; (H) children's product; (I) menstruation product; (J) textile furnishing; (K) ski wax; or (L) upholstered furniture will be restricted.


This restriction extends to (1) Apparel; (2) turnout gear; (3) carpets or rugs; (4) cleaning products; (5) cookware; (6) cosmetic products; (7) dental floss; (8) fabric treatments; (9) children's products; (10) menstruation products; (11) textile furnishings; (12) ski wax; (13) upholstered furniture; or (14) outdoor apparel for severe wet conditions from January 01, 2028 onwards.

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