Saudi Arabia, along with several other countries in the region, has taken a significant step toward bolstering food safety and protecting consumer health through the introduction of a draft technical regulation on requirements of nutritional labeling. Spearheaded by the Saudi Standards, Metrology, and Quality Organization (SASO), this initiative aims to regulate nutritional labeling data for all packaged food products, with a focus on enhancing consumer awareness and food safety.

Key Points of the Regulation

  • Scope and Objective: The draft technical regulation focuses on ensuring that clear and accurate nutritional information is provided on packaged food products to enhance consumer awareness and safety. Established with the primary objectives of ensuring food safety and protecting human health, the regulation aims to empower consumers with essential information on the products they consume.
  • International Alignment: Drawing inspiration from international standards such as the Codex Standard No. CAC/GL 2:2017 on Nutrition Labeling Guidelines and the European Union (EU) Regulation No. 1169/2011, Saudi Arabia aims to harmonize its regulations with the already established norms on food labeling. Such harmonization with global best practices underscores the country’s commitment to ensuring food safety in alignment with international standards.
  • Timeline for Adoption: The proposed timeline for the adoption and enforcement of the regulation is set at one hundred and eighty (180) days from the date of publication of the approved version. Stakeholders have a sixty (60) -day window from the date of notification to provide feedback, which emphasizes the importance of stakeholder engagement in the Regulatory process.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: Stakeholders are encouraged to actively participate in the process, which ensures that diverse perspectives are considered when shaping the final Regulatory framework. Interested parties can access the document through the SASO website and engage with the designated agency for comments and inquiries, thereby fostering transparency and collaboration in the Regulatory process.

Implications for Consumers and the Industry

  • Enhanced Transparency: Clear nutritional labeling empowers consumers to make informed choices about their dietary intake, which, in turn, promotes healthier lifestyles and dietary habits. Thus, by providing accessible and accurate information, the regulation enhances transparency in the food industry.
  • Improved Compliance: Adherence to standardized nutritional labeling requirements in Saudi Arabia ensures compliance with Regulatory norms, fostering trust among consumers and Regulatory authorities. In fact, food manufacturers and suppliers must comply with these regulations to maintain consumer trust and uphold food safety standards.
  • Global Harmonization: Saudi Arabia’s efforts toward aligning its food safety standards with global best practices signal a commitment to promoting consumer welfare and facilitating trade. Such global harmonization not only benefits consumers in the domestic market but also enhances the country’s position in international markets.

Role of Local Representatives in Implementing the Regulation

Local representatives play a crucial role in implementing the draft technical regulation on nutritional labeling in Saudi Arabia by collaborating with key stakeholders and Regulatory bodies. Here are some of the key functions of local representatives:

  • Collaboration with Key Stakeholders: Local representatives, including stakeholders from the public and private sectors of the food industry, collaborate with the Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) to implement the regulation effectively. The collaboration ensures that the objectives of the Healthy Food Strategy (HFS) are met, facilitating consumers’ identification of unhealthy components in food items and, in turn, ensuring that such content is reduced.
  • Reforms and Educational Campaigns: Local representatives are involved in implementing nutritional reforms and educational campaigns as part of the HFS. These initiatives aim to promote healthier lifestyles, reduce the content of unhealthy components in food products, and enhance public awareness of a healthy diet and lifestyle. By actively participating in these efforts, local representatives contribute to improving the quality of food products available in the market.
  • Compliance with Labeling Requirements: Local representatives ensure that both imported and locally produced pre-packaged food products comply with the labeling requirements set by the SFDA. This includes mandatory disclosure of nutritional information on labels, such as calories, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and other components that affect nutritional values and consumer health.
  • Promoting Consumer Awareness: Local representatives help increase consumer awareness of nutritional information by implementing initiatives such as displaying caloric information on menus of prepared foods in hotels, restaurants, and cafes. Through access to this information, consumers can be empowered to make healthier consumption decisions, which addresses issues like obesity and diabetes in Saudi Arabia.

Implications for Food Manufacturers

Non-compliance with Saudi Arabia’s draft technical regulation on nutritional labeling poses significant challenges for food manufacturers, mainly with respect to food safety and Regulatory compliance. Some of the major implications are:

  • Resource Constraints: Small-scale manufacturers may struggle to invest in the necessary training, equipment, or testing, thus hindering compliance.
  • Complex Regulations: Understanding and adhering to intricate food safety rules can be daunting, especially for those lacking expertise in food science and regulations.
  • Regulatory Changes: Keeping pace and complying with evolving regulations demands significant investments in Research and Development (R&D).
  • Communication Breakdowns: Ineffective communication among Regulatory agencies and manufacturers can lead to misunderstandings and non-compliance.
  • Supply Chain Management: Robust quality control processes are required to ensure supply chain food safety, preventing contamination, and adhering to the necessary standards.
  • Cultural Sensitivity: Navigating cultural disparities in food safety regulations, especially in export markets, requires a high level of expertise and sensitivity.
  • Data Management: Efficient data management systems are crucial for maintaining compliance records and demonstrating adherence to safety regulations.
  • Language Barriers: Working in environments where the language is not native requires overcoming linguistic barriers to ensure effective communication with Regulatory agencies.
  • Supply Chain Complexity: Managing compliance across complex food supply chains and thereby ensuring transparency requires diligent quality control and clear communication with suppliers.
  • Consequences of Non-compliance: Failure to comply with regulations can result in loss of consumer trust, reputation damage, and legal penalties. It is therefore imperative that manufacturers prioritize Regulatory compliance to ensure product safety and maintain consumer trust.

To sum up, compliance with the draft technical regulation on nutritional labeling is imperative for food businesses operating in Saudi Arabia for guaranteeing food safety, meeting Regulatory standards, and upholding consumer confidence. Local representatives assume a critical role in enforcing this regulation through collaboration with key stakeholders, advocacy for reforms and educational initiatives, ensuring adherence to labeling requirements, and fostering consumer awareness of nutritional data to promote healthier dietary choices. Leveraging Freyr’s Regulatory expertise can aid you in navigating these challenges and ensuring compliance. With expert Regulatory assistance, launching your food and dietary supplements in the Saudi Arabian market can become more feasible and efficient. Contact Freyr today!

Written By Kamalakar DeeviM

Senior Manager II, Consumer Food and Dietary Supplements

Kamalakar Deevi has fifteen (15)+ years of experience in Regulatory compliance and new product development of food and dietary supplements in various countries/regions and has worked closely with leading ingredient- and food-based consumer goods companies. At Freyr, he has been working as a Subject Matter Expert for different countries, has been managing projects, and helping clients make their products compliant across the globe.


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