Freyr offers end-to-end drug Regulatory labeling services and software support for global and regional Regulatory labeling management, providing professional assistance in drafting Investigational Brochures (IB), Developmental Core Data Sheets, and Developmental Core Safety Information, creating and updating Company Core Data Sheet (CCDS), core to local product labeling requirements, etc.

We provide comprehensive Regulatory labeling services to the pharma industry. Our team of highly qualified medical experts tracks the status of the data sheets’ implementation in local labels, reviews and suggests changes to the data sheets, and drafts the clinical overviews of product labeling requirements for submission to the health authorities.

Freyr's expertise extends to ensuring labeling compliance and navigating the complexities of labeling in Regulatory affairs. Our CCDS template streamlines the process, facilitating efficient management of core data sheets and local product labeling requirements. Additionally, we harness the power of artificial intelligence in Regulatory labeling services to enhance accuracy and speed in data sheet implementation and review. With precision and Regulatory adherence, our comprehensive services cater to the evolving needs of the pharmaceutical industry.

Quick Facts


Labels Processed Annually


Global labeling experts


Labeling and Artwork customers


Regulatory Labeling Expertise