Launching Food and Dietary Supplements in Japan: Navigating the Regulatory Landscape
2 min read

Japan’s food and dietary supplement market holds great appeal, drawing health-conscious consumers who search for high-quality products. However, you need to navigate a strict Regulatory environment to enter this thriving market. In this blog, we shall explore the primary considerations for manufacturers planning to launch their food and dietary supplements in Japan, focussing on key areas such as Japan’s food import regulations, dietary supplement registration, and compliance with local laws and standards.

Japan’s Regulatory Landscape

Japan’s Regulatory framework for food products is overseen by the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare (MHLW) and the Consumer Affairs Agency (CAA). Both these bodies operate under the purview of the Food Sanitation Act, Food Labeling Act, and Health Promotion Law. In fact, the MHLW conducts meticulous reviews and inspections, thereby ensuring that all food products entering the market are safe and compliant.

The Journey Toward Dietary Supplement Registration in Japan

Manufacturers seeking to register their dietary supplements with the MHLW must go through a stringent regulation process. The process commences with rigorous safety and efficacy testing, which guarantees conformity with Japan’s strict regulations and standards. This kind of meticulous approach is indispensable for securing approval for market entry.

Navigating Japan’s Food Import Regulations

The Food Sanitation Act places significant responsibilities on both importers and manufacturers with respect to compliance with food import regulations. It mandates the submission of import notifications to ensure the safety of imported foods and related products, underscoring the critical role of these regulations. Failure to comply can result in the prohibition of the sale of imported food products.

Comprehending Japan’s Food Labeling Regulations

Japan’s food labeling standards place a strong emphasis on using the Japanese language on primary food packaging for both domestic and imported products. Errors or inaccuracies in labeling translations can lead to extensive revisions and financial setbacks. Thus, precise adherence to labeling regulations is of utmost importance to ensure a seamless registration process.

Understanding Health Foods Categories in Japan

In Japan, health foods are categorized into three (03) distinct groups, which are as follows:

  • Food with Function Claims (FFC): These food products make specific functional claims.
  • Food with Nutrient Function Claims (FNFC): These food products feature claims on nutrient functions.
  • Food for Specified Health Uses (FOSHU): These food products are intended to fulfill specific health purposes.

Navigating Japan’s intricate Regulatory landscape is challenging but indispensable for a successful market entry. As a leading global provider of Regulatory solutions and services, Freyr is exceptionally well-equipped to assist manufacturers in achieving compliance with Japanese food regulations. We will provide you with comprehensive support throughout the Regulatory process, from dietary supplement registration with the MHLW to ensuring full compliance with the local standards so that your product enters the Japanese market in a smooth and hassle-free manner.
Contact us to confidently access the food and dietary supplement market in Japan!