Misconceptions on Staff Augmentation in Regulatory Affairs
2 min read

Staff augmentation is a common strategy deployed by companies to expand their workforce, especially in highly regulated industries such as Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare. However, there are many misconceptions surrounding Regulatory staff augmentation, which can lead to negative consequences for both the company and its employees. In this blog, we shall explore some of them and why it is important to approach staff augmentation in regulatory affairs with a clear understanding of its benefits and limitations. The following are the misconceptions:

1. Staff Augmentation is Only Necessary for Short-term Projects: One of the most common misconceptions about Regulatory Affairs staff augmentation is that it is only necessary for short-term projects. While it is true that staff augmentation can be useful for filling temporary gaps in the workforce, it is equally valuable for long-term projects or ongoing requirements of Regulatory Affairs. Many companies choose to augment their Regulatory Affairs team with temporary/contract workers to continue services during times of turnover or transition. Additionally, staff augmentation can be a cost-effective way to expand the Regulatory Affairs team without committing to any permanent hires.

2. Staff Augmentation is Only for Low-level Positions: The second common misconception is that staff augmentation is only suitable for low-level positions. In reality, Regulatory Affairs teams require a wide range of skill sets and expertise, and staff augmentation can be used to fill positions across all levels, from the entry-level to senior-level leadership roles. For example, a company may choose to augment its Regulatory Affairs team with a highly experienced consultant who shall provide guidance and support during a complex Regulatory submission process.

3. Staff Augmentation is Only Useful to Large Companies: Some companies believe that the staff augmentation project is only useful to large companies with extensive Regulatory Affairs teams. However, this is not the case. Staff augmentation can be beneficial for companies of all sizes, from small startups to multinational corporations. Smaller companies may find staff augmentation particularly useful as they may not have the resources to hire full-time Regulatory Affairs teams. By resource augmentation of their team with contract workers or consultants, they can access the expertise they need without committing to permanent hires.

4. Staff Augmentation is a Solution to All Regulatory Affairs Problems: While staff augmentation can be a valuable tool for expanding and enhancing a Regulatory Affairs team, it is not a solution to every problem. For example, if the existing team lacks the necessary expertise or experience, augmenting it with contract workers may not be sufficient. In this case, it may rather be necessary to invest in training or hire permanent employees with the required skills. Additionally, staff augmentation should not be used to avoid addressing underlying issues within the team, such as poor communication or inefficient processes.

Staff augmentation services can be valuable while expanding and enhancing a Regulatory Affairs team. Dispelling common misconceptions and partnering with a Regulatory expert like Freyr can facilitate a strategic approach toward staff augmentation and help navigate the complex Regulatory landscape. Consult Freyr now!


Sonal Gadekar