Leveraging Staff Augmentation for Resource Optimization in the Medical Device Industry
4 min read

What is Staff Augmentation? 

Staff augmentation is an outsourcing strategy in which a company hires additional staff (usually temporary or on a contractual basis) to supplement its existing workforce for a specific project or period. The hired staff reports to the company that contracts the positions to a consulting firm, and they are often subject to the same rules, regulations, and policies as the parent company’s permanent employees. However, the company will not be required to deal with the administrative and Human Resources (HR)-related activities during the hiring process.

Therefore, staff augmentation can be defined as the interim utilization of external resources to support or boost the capacity of the organization. This model speeds up the process of resource identification and deployments.

According to various market analysis reports, the Global Regulatory Affairs (RA) outsourcing market is expected to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 11.50–13.00% between 2022 and 2028. In fact, one of the most significant trends in today’s medical device industry is the dramatic increase in the use of contingent workers across organizations worldwide.  

Why Do We Need Staff Augmentation in the Medical Device Industry?

The processes of Research and Development (R&D), manufacturing, supply chain, pharmacovigilance, quality, and Regulatory Compliance in the medical device industry require specialized knowledge and a specific skillset. For instance, as the complexity and demand of Quality Assurance (QA) and RA functions increase, the requirements of small and large businesses for these services also begin to differ, depending on the organization’s lifecycle. The companies, in turn, acquire the expertise required to carry out these tasks and then outsource the skilled staff to manage operations.

Thus, medical device companies benefit from staff augmentation by gaining access to highly skilled professionals at a much faster pace and with lesser administrative and HR-related burdens. The staffing can be scaled up or down, based on the requirements, which is in fact very cost-effective.

 Pros and Cons of Utilizing Staff Augmentation within the Medical Device Industry

Staff augmentation, like any other organizational strategy, comes with its own set of benefits and drawbacks. Ultimately, individual hiring and project managers must determine whether recruiting augmented staff  would be the best fit for their specific needs.


  • Competent augmented personnel can quickly understand and add value to the project.
  • Staff augmentation provides the flexibility to quickly scale up or down, as required, without the costs and delays associated with hiring and training full-time employees.
  • Staff augmentation can be more cost-effective than hiring full-time personnel. It allows businesses to just pay for the services they require, without having to bear the overhead expenditures of benefits, training, and other fees associated with full-time employees.
  • Organizations can pull in staff based on the required skillset rather than hiring a new employee. This in turn saves thetime required to complete a project.
  • When a new permanent employee joins the team, existing employees may feel challenged. The issue of internal conflict can be reduced through staff augmentation, which temporarily adds talented professionals without disrupting the internal balance of a team.

A fundamental benefit of staff augmentation is resource optimization since it allows businesses to use their existing resources more efficiently by matching the abilities and expertise of available workers to the precise requirements of the project or activity at hand. This in turn contributes to increased production and the achievement of targeted goals in a cost-effective and timely manner.


  • The organization must spend additional time and energy on the onboarding process if the skillset is to be maintained at an optimal level.

It can be difficult to integrate external personnel into existing teams. They might not be as familiar with internal processes, tools, and systems, which can lead to delays and errors in projects.While there are some potential drawbacks of staff augmentation, it is overall a beneficial approach to managing workforce requirements in the medical device industry because the benefits of being able to quickly and flexibly bring in experts to supplement existing teams often outweigh the risks.

 Cross-functionality: A Staff Augmentation Strategy

Cross-functionality refers to the ability of a staff member to work effectively in multiple areas/functions within an organization. Cross-functional employees can perform tasks and responsibilities outside of their primary role or area of expertise. This allows them to contribute to other areas of the organization where their skills may be required.  

For instance, the hired personnel could have expertise in both RA and Quality Assurance (QA). Such a staff member, with a dual expertise, could be considered cross-functional. These individuals add value to the organization by ensuring that the medical device designed, developed, and manufactured is in accordance with all the applicable regulations and standards. They may further assist in the creation and implementation of Quality Control (QC) processes to ensure that the final product meets the necessary safety and efficacy standards. 

Apart from ensuring that all aspects of the product development process comply with the regulations and that the final product meets all safety and Regulatory requirements, cross-functionality also offers additional advantages such as cost savings and increased efficiency.

Overall, cross-functionality is an effective way of augmenting staff in the medical device industry.

When is Staff Augmentation Considered a Suitable Solution for Businesses?

Staff augmentation is considered suitable for companies under the following circumstances:

  • Temporary staffing requirements during seasonal peaks or special projects.
  • Insufficient in-house expertise to complete the project.
  • When time is of the essence and a project must be completed within a short time frame.
  • When a company wants to deliver high-quality work while also saving costs.

Before considering staff augmentation, however, businesses should assess their staffing requirements, choose the best consulting firm, and set clear project expectations and goals. This way companies can ensure successful implementation of staff augmentation and achievement of their goals.


To sum up, staff augmentation is a valuable strategy for medical device companies looking to save time and costs on product development and Regulatory services. Moreover, it can be a more cost-effective alternative to permanent staffing, allowing businesses to avoid the costs of hiring, training, and benefits. Overall, staff augmentation can assist medical device companies in meeting their objectives and increasing their competency in the market.

Looking for trusted staffing solutions for your medical device company? Freyr is the answer! Get in touch with us today to learn more about how we can provide you with top-tier staffing services that are tailored to your specific requirements.