Navigating AI in Healthcare: The EDPB's Guidance on GDPR Compliance
3 min read

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a comprehensive privacy law enacted in the European Union in 2018. It applies to all organizations that process the personal data of individuals located in the EU, regardless of where the organization is located. In March 2023, the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) adopted a guidance on the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the healthcare sector to ensure compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). 

As AI-powered healthcare applications continue to grow, companies must adhere to the new guidance to avoid potential legal and financial repercussions. This blog will provide an overview of the new guidance and its implications for digital health Regulatory services.

 Guidance on the Use of AI in Healthcare:

The EDPB's guidelines emphasize several key elements that healthcare organizations must consider when using AI applications. First, healthcare organizations must determine the legal basis for processing personal data under the GDPR security requirements. They must obtain explicit patient consent before using their data to train AI algorithms. Patients must be informed of usage of the personal data. They should also understand the purpose and objectives of AI applications.

Second, healthcare organizations must ensure transparency and accountability in their AI applications. They must be transparent about the use of their data by AI algorithms, and they must provide appropriate and understandable information to patients on how their data is being used and the decisions that AI applications make based on that data. The EDPB guidelines suggest that companies should publish a detailed explanation of how their AI algorithms function and monitor their decisions.

Third, healthcare organizations must ensure the security and protection of patient data. They must regularly review and assess their AI-powered healthcare systems to identify potential data breaches and protect against any breaches from occurring in the future. The GDPR has strict data protection requirements, and healthcare organizations must ensure that their AI applications meet these requirements.

Finally, healthcare organizations must monitor the algorithmic fairness of their AI-powered healthcare applications to prevent discrimination against any patient group. They must ensure that their algorithms do not have a disproportionate impact on certain groups, and they must develop an appropriate framework for detecting and addressing algorithm disparities and potential biases in their AI algorithms. Additionally, healthcare organizations must ensure that their AI applications are constantly reviewed and updated to ensure continued algorithmic fairness and improve accuracy.

Impact on Digital Health Regulatory Services:

The EDPB GDPR guidelines have significant implications for digital health Regulatory services. The importance of Regulatory compliance is paramount in the healthcare industry, especially with the integration of AI-powered healthcare applications. Regulatory compliance ensures that healthcare organizations maintain patient data privacy, security, and transparency while using AI applications. Non-compliance can attract significant penalties under GDPR, potentially impacting the reputation and financial standing of healthcare organizations.

Digital health Regulatory services must ensure that their Regulatory compliance policies are in line with the EDPB guidance. They must develop Regulatory compliance processes that require healthcare organizations to ensure the transparency, accountability, and security of patient data, as well as algorithmic fairness in their AI applications. Regulatory bodies must collaborate with healthcare organizations to ensure that the policies and guidelines are effectively communicated and implemented.

Additionally, digital health Regulatory services must ensure that they have the required expertise, tools, and resources to monitor and assess the compliance of healthcare applications effectively. They must also engage with experts in AI, data protection, and cybersecurity to provide guidance and support to healthcare organizations that are using AI.


The EDPB guidance on GDPR Artificial Intelligence compliance in healthcare provides a much-needed framework for the responsible use of AI-powered healthcare applications. It outlines the importance of transparency, accountability, security, and algorithmic fairness in the context of AI-powered healthcare applications. Healthcare organizations must take these guidelines seriously and ensure that their AI applications comply with GDPR and meet the ethical and moral standards expected of the healthcare industry. The role of digital health Regulatory services in ensuring compliance cannot be overemphasized. These Regulatory services must develop the necessary policy frameworks, collaborate with healthcare organizations, and engage experts in AI, data protection, and cybersecurity to facilitate a safe and compliant digital health ecosystem.

How about your AI-powered healthcare application? Is it compliant with the GDPR? Do you want to evaluate the Regulatory compliance of your AI-powered healthcare application? Reach out to our Regulatory expert. Stay informed. Stay compliant.