USFDA’s Nutrition Facts Label & Checkpoints for A Compliant Transition
1 min read

In 2016, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released final rules for the revised Nutrition Fact Labels, a part of which will be effective from the year 2020. It was initiated by the USFDA to help consumers make informed food choices and promote a healthy diet and lifestyle. As per the new nutrition guidelines, manufacturers with annual sales of more than USD 10 million or more will be required to comply with the new rules from January 1, 2020.

Let’s take a look at the major changes that have been made to the Nutrition Labels and how are they going to impact the manufacturers:

  • Prominent Serving Sizes – The new rules suggest bolder and bigger typeface for serving sizes to make it easier for consumers to assess the nutrition label's context.
  • Modified ‘Servings per Container’- There will also be a larger and bolder typeface for container servings to make it easier for consumers. Packaging size regulations are also proposed to be applicable to food products that are generally consumed in a single serving.
  • Clear ‘Calories’ - Calories, one of the most important nutrients to be recognized by the U.S. customers, are proposed to be represented in a larger and bolder type.
  • Elimination of ‘Calories from Fat’ - Nutrition labels may no longer require the declaration of ‘Calories from Fat.’
  • Mandatory Use of ‘Added Sugars’ - Whether ‘Sugar-Free’ claim is mentioned on the label or not, ‘Added Sugar’ must be included on nutrition label in grams and as percent Daily Value. This includes added sugars used during processing and packaging, along with the sugar percent present in any other form.
  • Changes in Vitamins and Minerals - Vitamin A and Vitamin C may no longer be required on the nutrition labels. However, Vitamin D, Potassium, Calcium, and Iron are proposed to replace Vitamin A and Vitamin C.
  • Updated ‘% DAILY VALUE’ - The amount of Daily Value (DV) should show how much a nutrient adds to the daily diet of a meat portion.

The proposed new labeling rules are expected to come into effect from the first day of 2020 for large-scale manufacturers. These adjustments to the nutrition label not only reflect preferences of new scientific research, but also align with contemporary consumer's preferences, expectations, and behaviors. Start aligning with the new Nutrition Fact Labels before the deadline. Stay current. Stay informed.