The Food Safety Commission of Japan (FSCJ) has conducted a thorough safety assessment of the flavoring additive "Valencene," which is produced using the Rhodobacter sphaeroides 168 strain. The evaluation relied on documents submitted by the applicant and followed established guidelines. The safety assessment encompassed an evaluation of the toxicity and allergenicity of the inserted genes, as well as the residues of recombinant and host proteins. Additionally, chemical structures, toxicological findings, and estimated intakes of non-active ingredients were considered. The evaluation determined that no risks were associated with the use of recombinant technology in the bio-production of "Valencene." Furthermore, no safety issues were expected based on the identified chemical structures and intakes of non-active ingredients. Consequently, the FSCJ concluded that the food additive "Valencene" produced with the Rhodobacter sphaeroides 168 strain poses no concern for human health.
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