Cosmetic Product Labeling Review

Elevate your cosmetic product labeling with Freyr's expert services. From ingredient lists to warnings and language requirements, we ensure compliance with region-specific regulations like EU Regulation 1223/2009 and US FDA's FD&C Act. Our proven track record and global expertise guarantee hassle-free deliverables and quick market access.

Cosmetic Product Labeling Review – Overview

Cosmetic product labeling is a vital aspect of marketing cosmetic products, as it is intended to help consumers find out the accurate details of a product.

Cosmetic product labeling requirements encompass a wide range of vital information, including product composition, net content, product identity, directions for use, storage information, manufacturer/distributor/importer details, expiry details, and language requirements. However, specific elements such as ingredient lists, warnings/caution statements, and language requirements can vary significantly from one region to another.

Some of the general information required for cosmetic product labeling are as follows:

  • Product Composition
  • Net Content
  • Product Identity
  • Directions for Use
  • Storage Information
  • Manufacturer/Distributor/Importer Details
  • Expiry Details
  • Language Requirements

In fact, information such as ingredient lists, warnings/caution statements, language requirements, and their placement on the label vary region-wise. Thus, a product that is intended to be placed in different markets must meet the cosmetic labeling requirements of its target markets. For example, the European Union (EU) Regulation 1223/2009, the United States Food and Drug Administration (US FDA)’s Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C) and the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act, Canada’s Food and Drugs Act, Cosmetic Regulation, the Consumer Packaging Label Act, etc.

Freyr provides services for country-specific cosmetic labeling and cosmetic ingredient labeling, thereby enabling manufacturers to effectively navigate through the region-specific cosmetic labeling requirements.

Cosmetic Product Labeling Review

  • Cosmetic labeling review as per the region-specific cosmetic labeling requirements.
  • Support with the review process for private cosmetic labels.
  • Assistance in cosmetic ingredient labeling as per the country-specific International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients (INCI) names.
  • Focus on achieving overall compliance as per the region-specific cosmetic labeling regulations.
  • End-to-end region-specific gap analysis for any missing information as per the respective cosmetic labeling regulations.
  • Proven track record in reviewing 500+ cosmetic labeling requirements for the EU, US, Dubai, Australia, Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), India, etc.
  • Cost-effective
  • Hassle-free deliverables
  • Adherence to stringent timelines
  • End-to-end cosmetic Regulatory consultation
  • Qualified experts with hands-on experience across all cosmetic categories like skin care, hair care, baby care, oral care, beauty products, etc.
  • Support with region-specific Regulatory complexities
  • Extensive partner network across the globe
  • Strong relationship with global Health Authorities (HAs)
  • Structured approach to ensure quick market access